This cake that I created for my daughter’s friend’s birthday at the weekend as well as two I made for my neighbour’s children on Saturday received lots of praise, interest and compliments. So many in fact, that it has given me the confidence and boost that I needed to start a proper little business making and selling my cakes.
Lots of internet surfing, phone calls etc. have followed and I can now officially say that I am a bona fide Cake Maker who is registered with Environmental Health. Although I don’t HAVE to have Public Liability Insurance or a Food Handler’s Certificate (cakes are deemed to be low risk food items), I’m doing this properly and I’m getting them both sorted and under my belt.
All I need to do now is to sort out my business name and a logo to match.
Any ideas or help from anyone?
If you’re local and want a cake, please give me a shout.
Good Luck on your new venture 🙂 not very good on the thinking up names though sorry xx