I’ve been asked recently to make birthday cakes for my neighbour’s two children, Sammah who has just turned 6 and Zain who has just turned 3 along with my daughter’s friend Tegan, who was 11 in March. I’ve always been a baker and maker of cakes and to have the honour of producing cakes for such special occasions really touched me.
This was Tegan’s cake – a giant cupcake in tones of yellow (her favourite colour) and orange. I have to thank my husband for taking this photo and making it look so beautiful (Thanks Will! x)
The cake I made for Sammah was this 8″ square one (on the finished version I added her name):
This pond themed cake was for Zain:
(Apologies for the photo quality; they were taken on my iPhone). I will try to remember to replace them with ‘proper camera’ photographs.
This was made for a friend to say ‘Thank You’ for her kindness
Whilst this one was for my lovely friend Susan’s birthday:
Remember my Whitworth’s cake mix I was given? Well this is what I made with it and decorated up with white fondant and some bright red and yellow flowers (photographs courtesy of hubby).
Inspired by these cakes and also by the fact that my neighbours seem to love my frequent baking gifts to them, I registered my kitchen with my local Environmental Health Department and am now waiting for my inspection to start a little business doing something I absolutely LOVE to do!
Business cards and postcards have been ordered tonight from Vistaprint. Although not necessary, my Public Liability Insurance will be organised next week and my Level 2 Food Hygiene course has been booked for the beginning of May.
I already have orders for cakes, starting with a Hello Kitty cake for my great niece Shannon’s birthday next weekend, followed by 4 more for May and June and an enquiry for wedding cupcakes to accompany their wedding cake.
I’m hoping that this is the start of something good. Wish me luck!
Wow Rosie, congratulations! Your cakes are ALL stunning! I can't wait to follow your adventures and am so pleased to read you have decided to go into business. A great move, bold and inspiring and you have great talent. Good luck! Ren xxx