One of the products I was given to try from an exhibitor at the BBC Good Food Show came from FireFly BBQ in the form of a Memphis Pig Rub and a bottle of their Memphis Red BBQ Sauce.
Seeing as I hadn’t prepared anything for dinner the other night, but had a couple of chicken breasts in the fridge that needed using up, I decided that I’d improvise and give my chicken a quick rub instead!
Whilst I left my chicken to take on the flavours of the rub, I sliced an onion and a red pepper, then prepared my rice ready to cook. As I put on the water to boil for my rice, I sautéed off my chicken, onion & peppers in the wok, then as the rice went in to boil, I added the bottle of Red BBQ sauce to the wok & cooked it down to become a delicious sticky sauce.
Sprinkled with a few chopped spring onions, this became a quick, tasty and delicious dinner.
I was given the Memphis Pig Rub and the Memphis Red BBQ sauce to try by Firefly BBQ. I was under no obligation to provide a review, positive or otherwise.