When this hamper arrived on my doorstep full of PG Tips herbal infusions and green teas, I really was spoiled for choice on which one to enjoy first! A lover of fruit teas and herbal infusions, it was a difficult decision to make. So, how do you make such a decision? Well, like this of course!
Now, just to clarify, Monkey didn’t bring the teas to me personally and hasn’t come to visit, but when he does, I will be grabbing him firmly by his toe!
I chose the Juicy Red Berries, while my husband went for his favourite of a smooth Green Tea, but with a hint of mandarin orange.
I always leave my bag in my cup; not just for a few minutes but for the whole duration of my drink, whilst he dunks the bag in and takes it out again before it gets too strong.
Long before the water hit my teabag, as soon as I opened the box, I was hit with the most amazing fruity smell that had my taste buds bursting into life in anticipation of what was to come. I wasn’t disappointed either! The warm, richly coloured, red berry infusion really did taste as good as it smelled.
In contrast the cool, muted colour of the mandarin orange green tea was delicate in both fragrance and colour.
We’ve now gone through every box of the teas (with the exception of the Camomile, because I really don’t like Camomile tea one tiny bit, sorry Monkey, but not even yours!)
The Spices & Mint tea is delicious as a drink but I wanted to give it a try in a fruited tea loaf to see what it would be like.
Thanks to PG Tips’ PR company for sending me a free hamper of fruit infusions and green teas to sample. Only a couple of random bags and the box of camomile ones left, so they must have been good, mustn’t they?